I know the Super Bowl has been over for a while now and why the heck am I writing about it now?
Well, all of you know that I have been very busy preparing for my webinar with the National Down syndrome Society, where I talked about my amazing journey with my daughter Christina, and how she inspired me to create my “Holistic Piano Method For Individuals With Special Needs.” My presentation was accompanied by my amazing PowerPoint (thanks to my intense College education, where I learned how to put together a speech and a PP).
If you missed it, don’t worry. The NDSS recorded my speech, and they will put it on their YouTube account. As soon as I have the link, I will send it to you, so you can catch up and listen to my awesome presentation!
Now to my main subject:
What the Super Bowl and Music Have in Common
Every athletic event is always preceded by someone singing the National Anthem. For this Super Bowl, an opera singer was chosen, the famous Renee Fleming.
Although this particular Super Bowl was one of the less exciting games ever played, with the Seattle Seahawks beating the Denver Broncos, but Renee Fleming’s performance was spectacular and outstanding. It could well be the most beautiful and moving performance of this song ever heard. She conveys the meaning of these words so well, and watch how moved the athletes are as she sings.
Enjoy this most powerful and moving performance of the National Anthem by Renee Fleming at the Super Bowl.
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