
What Possibilities Do You Imagine For Your Child?

Prince William and Duchess Kate accepted a painting for their son’s nursery by an artist with Down syndrome. The Huffington Post headline reads Will and Kate Fight Stigma Against Down Syndrome in a Beautiful Way.
I think the gesture of the royal couple doesn’t so much fight stigma, as it opens up the imagination. A 43 year old woman with Down syndrome worked on this colorful, fantastic painting for six months.
This painting represents possibilities; possibilities for our children, and possibilities for parents and our society to imagine individuals with intellectual challenges to be able to contribute in a meaningful way, whether it’s through the arts or through athletics. Every person comes with their own unique gifts, and it is our calling to help them discover their particular ability.
This painting helps me to imagine a beautiful future for my daughter Christina and for all people with special needs. I hope that this painting, hanging in the royal nursery, will help many others imagine a good future and possibilities for individuals with special needs around the world.
What kind of possibilities do you imagine for your child?
If you imagine your child playing the piano, and want to help them become all they were meant to be through the power of music and piano, please send me an email with the words “Holistic Piano Method”in the subject line.
email to: info@danielaclapp.com  and put  “Holistic Piano Method” in the subject line.

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