
Special Athletes teach us what WINNING is really about

A new season of Special Olympics has started. The athletes include children and adults with intellectual disabilities from all around the world.

Through Special Olympics events these very special athletes find success and new friendships and can be part of a global community.

And us “typical” people (whatever that means) can learn a thing or two, that we can ONLY learn from the weakest among us.

Watch this amazing video to see WHAT I am talking about…

Anyone who has ever watched athletes with disabilities, knows of their innocent and genuine concern for others, and has watched them come to a dead stop in their tracks to help and rescue a fellow-competitor.

This is what TRUE WINNING is really all about!!!

Take the Next Step & Try My Piano Program

The Easy Step by Step Piano Program is the cornerstone of my Piano Method, featuring the Primary Level, Book 1, an introduction to the very basic elements of music and piano study. This level consists of 10 lessons that are built on each other.

In every lesson I present a new concept which is practiced through several different exercises, consisting of carefully selected songs, piano technique, theory, rhythm and ear training.


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