This week I am only reminding you to please register for my webinar with the National Down syndrome Society.
It is tomorrow, Thursday the 20th of February at 1pm EST, 12pm CT, 11am MT and 10am PT.
Be sure NOT to miss this important webinar, where I will be talking about “Empowering Individuals With Special Needs Through Music.” I will demonstrate how to use the power of music to be your child’s greatest advocate and teacher, even if you have no musical background.
I will also talk about my journey of healing from the absolute initial devastation, when I first was told by the doctors that my Christina had Down syndrome.
As you all know, I have developed a Holistic Piano Method For Individuals With Special Needs, and I will show you exactly HOW my piano method is different from traditional piano methods on the market… come on over and get the scoop!!!
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