From Down syndrome to the most prestigious concert hall in all the world, Carnegie Hall...”huh? what?” you might ask.
The story I am about to tell you reminds me of one of those “From Rags to Riches” stories.
This is the story of a young man by the name of Sujeet Desai.
Sujeet is an extraordinary young man, who is a very gifted professional musician, and has inspired and encouraged millions around the globe.
You might say: ”well, no wonder he made it to Carnegie Hall.”
But the piece of the puzzle you might not know about is this: you see, Sujeet was born with Down syndrome.
Down syndrome is associated with mental delays, and even horrible connotations like “can’t do anything, can’t contribute anything valuable, a burden to family and society.”
Let me tell you, all those assumptions are wrong and Sujeet is a self-advocate and advocates for ALL people with special needs, and his Carnegie Hall Debut is proof that ANYTHING is possible if you just believe and put your heart and mind to it.
When Sujeet was a little boy, his mom put a sign above his piano that said “How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice!”
And that has been Sujeet’s mantra all these years and that is exactly what he did for 3 decades, practice, practice, practice.
So his practice, his belief and vision, and his perseverance is what finally earned him the right to play in the most prestigious concert hall in all the world. THE HALL where the GREATEST of the GREATEST concert pianists have stood and played, Carnegie Hall.
How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?
To follow Sujeet and read about his many other accomplishments, go to his Facebook Page:
Music Transforms You
Daniela Clapp
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