Life can be messy and brutal, especially when you have to hold it together for everyone else, so everyone else can have a harmonious and cheerful time. And we feel this pressure and stress mostly during emotional holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
But can we be thankful for the trials, when we feel like we are drowning in darkness, and when life is spinning out of control? It is during those times we ask if God is truly real and good?
Often we associate God’s presence and goodness with prosperity, health and an easy life, but many of our greatest blessings come out of the greatest pain.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” ~ Psalm 34:8
We don’t need refuge when life is going great, but we need refuge when things around us are falling apart and when we are falling apart. The truth is, often life is more than we can handle, but can we learn to be thankful even for the tears?
Give yourself permission to feel weak and frustrated, and allow yourself to feel the tears, it’s ok.
You don’t have to be strong every moment, because God will be strong for you.
Don’t give yourself a list of unrealistic expectations, but learn to trust that every moment is unique and every moment is a precious gift.
“Gratitude is an attitude and it unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough”
Besides, did you know there is actually research behind the idea that grateful people live happier, fuller lives?
If you want to learn more about the psychology behind gratefulness, you can read about it HERE
Be thankful for every moment and you WILL have a Happy New Year!
Let’s make this a year of THANKFULNESS
I wish you all a BLESSED, HEALTHY and THANKFUl 2021
Music Transforms You
I would love to hear from you. What are some goals and tips you could share for the New Year?
What are you grateful and thankful for?
Please share in the comments below.
P.S. Learn how to play “Auld Lang Syne” in the New Year. The Complete Christmas Collection is still On Sale HERE
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The Easy Step by Step Piano Program is the cornerstone of my Piano Method, featuring the Primary Level, Book 1, an introduction to the very basic elements of music and piano study. This level consists of 10 lessons that are built on each other.
In every lesson I present a new concept which is practiced through several different exercises, consisting of carefully selected songs, piano technique, theory, rhythm and ear training.
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